Monday, July 5, 2010

So..... What Now?

Well it's the 4th of July and we're in Houston again. We came down on Friday to see the liver specialist at Baylor. And the news is mixed. Paul's liver is not getting any worse and
appears to be recovering some. Tests indicate his liver function is within normal ranges with the exception of bilirubin, which the doctor is not really worried about. The downside of the visit is that we still do not know the origin of his liver disease. The doctor is now speculating it is from fatty liver even though the liver biopsy can't confirm it.

We stayed through the weekend because Paul has an appointment with the lymphoma specialist tomorrow. He will most likely be admitted for his next round of chemo (next to last! Yay!!). So we'll be here for the next week.

We are staying at the Faith House, a guest house run by Faith Lutheran church in Bellaire. This is an extremely low-cost housing option for patients more than 50 miles from home seeking treatment at the medical center. We've been on the waiting list for this and two other similar places. This is the first opportunity that has worked out. If anyone reading this blog belongs to a church in the vicinity of the Medical Center this is a ministry you might want to suggest. It means so much to the people who are helped by it.

Just as a reminder if you are able to give blood and haven't yet this summer - go do it!! Blood banks are running low and 95% of the blood recipients are cancer patients.

1 comment:

  1. Just thinking of better times...

    After all this first drink at the pool bar is on me. Stay strong.

