Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Fitting Tribute

I have been given the incredible opportunity of establishing a memorial scholarship in Paul's name. The scholarship will be given to a student of architecture at Prairie View A&M every one to two years. I am able to provide the funds necessary to establish the principle of the fund. However, if any one else would like to contribute, I would very much welcome it. Any little bit extra that goes into the principle means a larger scholarship can be drawn off the interest.

If you haven't heard of Prairie View A&M it is a historically black college located in Prairie View, TX. It's about mid-way between College Station and Houston. They have an excellent architecture department that attracts students from all over the country. The small program consistently wins awards in design competitions against much bigger programs. Paul loved going to Prairie View and always felt the attention he received and his education were superior to what he would have received elsewhere. I watched Paul grow and develop as an artist and designer while he was there. I'd like to help future architects to the same level of achievement.

If you're interested, please let me know.