I was hooked on the blog immediately. Ryan's wife Margie is the primary writer of the blog with Ryan having made a few contributions as well. Team Ryan Hess is perhaps the most gripping, inspiring, faith-filled, funny and sad blog I have ever read! I was so moved by the blog I contacted Margie. We corresponded once before Margie published the heart-breaking news that Ryan was in hospice and only expected to live a couple more weeks. Wow! Margie and Ryan got busy doing and sharing all those last things you'd want to do with your loved one if you knew your time was ending. Ryan ultimately died peacefully three weeks after the announcement.
Since then Margie has continued to publish stories about her and Ryan, and life after Ryan's death with her and their adorable two kids. Despite how busy she is, she still very graciously posted something about Paul after I contacted her asking her for prayers. Please read her entry and if you have time read her blog as well. It is one of the most worthwhile uses of the Internet I have seen.
Please keep Paul in your thoughts and prayers. We are in Paul's final few days of life on earth. Heaven is awaiting him!

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