Thursday, July 15, 2010


Paul is being released tomorrow!! We're both just thrilled about it. But the downside is we will only be back home for the weekend. We'll return to Houston Sunday night. Paul has another appointment with the liver specialist at Baylor. We will discuss putting in a drainage catheter for the ascites in Paul's abdomen. This should keep him more comfortable since he won't bloat, and reduce the risk of developing an infection in the ascites. If possible we'll stay the week to have the procedure done. And after that we should be back home for at least a few weeks.

It's also freedom from chemo. We spoke with Paul's wonderful oncologist Dr. Michelle Fanale today. She explained the risks of proceeding with chemo stem not from the drugs they would use, but rather from the amount of fluid they must pump into the body along with the chemo. This in itself contributes significantly to the ascites and she believes this risk is greater than the threat of relapse at this point. We agree wholeheartedly. Especially given how physically weakened Paul was by the last treatment. So we will make frequent trips to Houston for scans and check-ups, but it will be worth it for the peace of mind knowing Paul is well monitored will bring.

I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who has written, spoken to me or offered prayers and thoughts for Paul and our family. I would also like to thank Mr. Chris Bartkoski and his son Jacob for their generous donation of over 20 days of hotel points. Their contribution has allowed us to stay in a very comfortable hotel near the Medical Center for most of our trips to Houston. Paul and I have used most of the days and have reserved the remaining days left for follow-up visits. Also, a big thank you to the Faulk Foundation established by my Alpha Gamma Delta sorority sister Katie Faulk Clapp, her husband Jimmy Clapp, and her mother Carolyn Faulk (I met Ms. Carolyn Faulk while at A&M and vividly remember the experience - they are one dynamic family :-) ). While the foundation's normal mission is to help children with devastating illness and their families, they made an exception to benefit Paul and I by providing a parking chip for mdacc that should last for several more visits and a very generous gas card. You can find more information about their foundation at: Not last and most certainly not least a big thank you to the familes and students at St. Rita Catholic School. The school pulled together a fund raiser last spring that helped Paul and I pay medical bills and cover some expenses for the summer. The staff also got together and in an equally generous act provided gift cards for food and gas that has gotten us through a great deal this summer. Thank you also to the St. Rita primary staff who early-on provided meals and gift cards. Thank you St. Joseph Catholic School families and staff for providing many delicious meals and money for food. Thanks also to our neighbors for their varied and thoughtful acts. And lastly thank you all to our families and friends for your love and support. Thank you everybody!!! You are all in our prayers. We are truly blest to have you all in our lives. You are proof of the goodness of people and God's grace.

Fear not lest you think I am ending this blog. We still have many miles left on our journey which I shall faithfully record. I just wanted to thank again everyone who has acted in any way on our behalf these past 7 months.

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